Principal’s Advisory Council

October 9, 2000

The following members were present: Jan Dagenhart, Tim Healey, Larry Czarny, Alton Tucker, Robert Clemenzi, Jamie Zunno, Nancy Zunno, Robert Watters, Jeff Dagenhart, Jane Suliga, Susan Longo, Lillian Orlich, Ric Clark, Bryan Wedel, Jason Wedel, Tina Grayson, Lynn Jordan, Megan Fell, Cheryl Clements, Darrell Bott and Shiree Bott.

The September minutes were approved even though not all members had received their copies.

Open Chair: Dr. Tucker querried about the status of the Writer, Inc. It was explained that classroom sets had been given to each English teacher and that the research paper now being done in 11th grade did not use the style that Writer’s Inc. incorporated. Ms. Grayson, English teacher explained how the books were used in her classroom and how the writing process was taught. Parents reiterated that they wanted to just make sure the Osbourn Park was graduating students that could write.

Mrs. Longo announced the Freshman Class social for October 11 at 7:00 p.m. We were also reminded of the Senior Class social on October 25 at 7:00 p.m.

Mrs. Stauffer shared a statement sanctioned by the PTSO to support "Zero Tolerance" in parent’s homes supporting no use of drugs or alcohol use in the home by students and emphasizing that it is the parent responsibility to see that this is monitored closely. A pledge and place for name and phone number will be placed in the November newsletter so other parents can call each other in support of the policy.

Mr. Healey reported on the status of the Web Page. It will be ready to be put together and implemented soon. It is being done solely by students with the support of a business teacher. We are also looking to do link-up with organizations as PTSO, PAC and the different booster organizations.

It was announced that Ms. Byrne and Ms. Gerson are the senior class sponsors. Ms. Stauffer recommend that classes be permitted to have class meetings during school time to encourage spirit and support so that all would attend. Pros and cons to this suggestion were discussed. It was decided that the next time a class meeting was held during the school day that extra time could be added on for just such purpose. Mr. Healey stressed that there has always been a policy in place that students can go to the class sponsor with recommendations and these can be sorted out and brought to the principal.

Interims were clarified that all students would be receiving them. However, data requires a week turnaround and therefore we will look into having each teacher do their own and give to students on due date. This can be done through Integrated Pro and would be more timely but would use more paper.

Advisory Council Training was summarized and Mr. Healey indicated that he would look into the feasibility of offering that opportunity for our PAC if not this year then next year.

Needs Assessment - This is a year that we prepare and write our biannual school plan so that it is time to consider the direction we want to go. A needs assessment was done three years ago in which teachers, parents, business community, graduates and students were given the opportunity to respond. The PAC brainstormed how we wanted to go about the task keeping in mind that the Annual School Plan was due on January 3, 2001.

After discussing several methods including phone surveys, using the Likert scale, e-mails etc., it was determined that Mr. Healey and Mrs. Clements would rework the surveys and e-mail to PAC members to any comments or criticism. The administration would also determine the process of how parents would be polled.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:10 p.m. The next meeting date is November 13, 2000 at 7:00 p.m.